Projects /

Here is the work we've done so far

Healthy Mind Programme (HMP)

Healthy Mind Programme (HMP)

Healthy Mind Project is an initiative that supports people with or at risk of mental health problems. The project looks at community development work as a holistic approach, supported by our other projects and consider mental well being is one of the important element in the community development.

Tamil Women Development Forum (TWDF)

Tamil Women Development Forum (TWDF)

Tamil Women Development Forum is a project fostered by the CCD to develop and advocate for the Tamil speaking women of Ilankai origin, equality in global policy as they support their families and communities.

War Widows Project (WWP)

War Widows Project (WWP)

War Widows Project works to bring hope, dignity, and self-reliance to the war widows in northeast Tamil homeland in ilankai and help them become equal members of the society.

Village Regeneration Programme (VRP)

Village Regeneration Programme (VRP)

The CCD in collaboration with People’s organisations and social movements has launched an initiative to face the challenges caused by the destructive war and tsunami to work towards rebuilding people’s lives and securing their place in the fabric of society.

Elders Empowerment Programme (EEP)

Elders Empowerment Programme (EEP)

The activities and services offered are designed to improve Physical, Mental and Intellectual well-being through health talks, advice on health issues, book club and physical exercises enabling them to live a healthy life.

Disability Project (DP)

Disability Project (DP)

The Disability Project is aimed at assisting the Differently Able people living in the Ilankai’s northern and eastern provinces.